Oh No, the dreaded writer’s block! What to do about it?

The Merits of Free-writing

Some of my poems are the result of free-writing, meaning that I didn’t worry about contents but simply allowed my subconscious mind aimlessly to roam.  Some good ideas can be developed from a plain writing exercise that at first glance appears to be meaningless.

Cicero’s immortal words: “Ubi nihil erit quod scribas, it ipsum scribito.”  In English: Even if you have nothing to write, write and say so.

It is true; such scribbles can serve as a foundation or fertilizer for good poetry.


Jerry Kemp

Jerry has written and published two books: A Bouquet of Poetic Thoughts II and Galloping Pegasus, four humorous novellas. Retired from his horse ranch and other activities, Jerry lives with his wife, two dogs, two cats, and numerous birds at the outskirts of the Sonoran desert in Arizona. Celebrating his 85th birthday in October 2019, ignoring his Parkinson’s symptoms, Jerry continues on in his pursuit of happiness. He still paints, enjoys classical music and poetry by the old masters and, of course--writing.